2026 AAHHE Conference Request for Proposals

Due Date for Proposal Receipt: June 7, 2024, 5:00pm ET
Late Arrivals and Mail Submissions will not be accepted.

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) is exploring institutions/venues for their 21st Annual AAHHE National Conference. For 16 years, AAHHE hosted its annual conference at large hotels. In 2022, the hosting model for the conference was changed from a hotel to an educational institution, i.e., college or university. Future annual conferences will continue to be hosted at an educational institution, rather than a hotel. AAHHE is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced institutions/venues who can support this list of requirements as detailed in the RFP found here.

Those who are interested should carefully review the RFP and submit their proposal by June 7, 5:00pm EST as per the instructions on the RFP. For further information please contact [email protected].