2022 AAHHE National Conference | Hybrid Format Nevada State College, Henderson, NV March 10-11, 2022
Cultivating Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Embracing Healing through Policies and Practices that Transform Institutions for Latinx/a/o Communities
Cultivando Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Sanando las Comunidades Latinxs/as/os con Políticas y Prácticas que Transforman las Instituciones
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Conference at a Glance
Pre-conference Event Wednesday March 9, 2022
11:00 AM- 4:00 PM PST ETS Latinx Student Success Institute (Auditorium) Sponsored by 
Embracing Healing: Improving enrollment and persistence rates for Latinx/a/o students Presenters Luis Ponjuán, PhD, Institute Chair and Associate Professor, College Of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University; Edith Fernández, Institute Co-chair and Vice President of College and Community Engagement, Nevada State College. Keynote Speaker: Marissa Vasquez, EdD, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University.
Conference Thursday March 10, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM PST Opening Plenary Session (Auditorium) Sponsored by
 38th Annual Tomás Rivera Lecture – Professor Norma Cantú, College of Education & School of Law, University of Texas, Austin. Sponsored by  9:30 AM – 10:00 AM PST ETS Outstanding Dissertation Awards Ceremony (Auditorium) Sponsored by 
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM PST Coffee Break 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM PST 6th Cigarroa Family STEM/Medical Lecture –Jessica Esquivel, PhD, Associate Scientist, Muon g-2 Experiment, Particle Physics Division - Muon Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and co-founder of BlackInPhysics and Change - Now. (Auditorium)
Sponsored by
   11:45 AM – 12:00 PM PST Break 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PST AAHHE Awards Ceremony (Auditorium) Sponsored by:  
AAHHE Awards:
- Alfredo G. de los Santos Jr. Distinguished Leadership Award: Carlos Santiago, PhD, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Higher Education.
Sponsored by

- Community College Awards:
Ángel Reyna, EdD, President, Madera Community College. Estela Gutierrez, MA, Vice President for Student Services and Diversity, Truckee Meadows Community College.
- Doctoral Student Award: Roberto Orozco, PhD Candidate, Rutgers University - New Brunswick.
- Early Career Awards:
Antonio Duran, PhD, Assistant Professor, Florida International University Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez, PhD, Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Arizona State University.
- Founders’ Award: Adela de la Torre, PhD, President, San Diego State University.
- Outstanding Support of Hispanic Issues Award: Amelie Ramirez, Dr.PH, Professor, Chair, Director, Salud America!, Institute for Health Promotion Research, UT Health San Antonio.
- University Faculty Awards
Gilberto Conchas, PhD, The Wayne K. and Anita Woolfolk Hoy Endowed Professorship of Education, Pennsylvania State University. Kristine Molina, PhD, Associate Professor, University of California, Irvine
- William Aguilar Cultural Arts Award: Elizabeth Acevedo, MFA, Author and Poet.
Books of the Year Awards:
- Early Career Category: Of Love and Papers: How Immigration Policy Affects Romance and Family. Laura Enriquez, PhD, Associate Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies, University of California, Irvine.
- Edited Volume Category:
An Asset-Based Approach to Advancing Latina Students in STEM: Increasing Resilience, Participation. Elsa Gonzalez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Houston; Frank Fernandez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Higher Education Administration & Policy, University of Florida; and Miranda Wilson, Principal, Institutional Research, Baylor College of Medicine.
Studying Latinx/a/o Students in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Concepts, Theory, and Methodologies. Nichole Garcia, PhD, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; Cristobal Salinas, Jr. PhD, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Research Methodology Department, Florida Atlantic University; and Jesus Cisneros, PhD, Associate Professor, Educational Leadership and Foundations, University of Texas at El Paso.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PST Boxed Lunch 2:15 PM – 3:00 PM PST Concurrent Session 115 - New Leadership Academy ~ Engaging Leadership in Strategic Diversity Planning. Room: CEB 111. Concurrent Session 125 IS - Radical Love in Nepantla: Latina/e PhDs Fostering Holistic Wellness and Querencia through Community. Room: CEB 112. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 135 IS - Project MALES Texas Male Student Leadership Summit: Fostering State-Wide Institutional Collaborations with Cariño. Room: CEB 211. Concurrent Session 145 RP - College Readiness Equity Index for Dual Language Learners in Texas. Room: CEB 212. Sponsored by  Featured Session: 155 FS - Centering Intersectional Experiences of Central American Students in Higher Education Policy, Floridalma Boj López, PhD, Assistant Professor, César E. Chávez Department of Chicana/o Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. Room: CEB 231. 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM PST 116 - Virtual Networking/ Social (Online Only) 126 - Fellows Program Networking (Online Only) Poster Session (In-person Only). Location: CEB 2nd Floor Foyer 4:15 PM – 6:15 PM PST AAHHE Fellows Recognition (KAB Auditorium) Conference Reception (in-person only)
Friday March 11, 2022 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM PST Welcome Program Plenary Session Justicia for Latinx/a/o Communities: Healing Through Activism Presenters: Nolan Cabrera, PhD, Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona University of Arizona; Amalia Daché, PhD, Associate Professor, Higher Education Division, University of Pennsylvania; and Angela Valenzuela, PhD, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, University of Texas at Austin. 9:15 – 9:30 AM PST Break 9:30 – 10:15 AM PST Concurrent Session 212 ODC 3 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, Third Place Winner. A Narrative Analysis on Latino Male Youth's Identity and Self-advocacy in Connection to Career Preparation, Elena Sada, PhD. Degree granting institution: University of Connecticut. Room: CEB 111. Sponsored by 
Concurrent Session 222 IS - The Path of Opportunity: Promoting a New Generation of Latinx Researchers through Graduate Education. Room: CEB 112. Concurrent Session 232 RP - Research Collectives With, For, and By Undocumented Scholars in Higher Education. Room: CEB 211. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 242 RP - Examining how Campus and Athletic Interactions Influence Latinx College Athletes Intent to Graduate. Room: CEB 212. CANCELED Concurrent Session 252 RP - Student attitude about GBTQ+ Men of Color: A Critical Feminist Theory Approach to Men of Color Programs. Room CEB 231. 10:15 – 10:45 AM PST Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:30 AM PST Concurrent Session 213 ODC 2 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, Second Place Winner Standardized Bilingual Assessments: A Means to Reduce Construct-Irrelevant Variance and Ethnic/Racial Stereotype Threat, Julio Caesar, PhD. Degree granting institution: University of Minnesota. Room: CEB 111. Sponsored by 
Concurrent Session 223 RP - The Role of Querencia In A Research Fellowship Program for Latina/o/x Community College Students. Room CEB 112. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 233 IS - Collectively Supporting Undocumented Students: How Student Organizing and Student Support Services United to Effect Change. Room: CEB 211. Concurrent Session 243 RP - A Nuevo South collective for love and healing: Examining multiethnic intersectionality in research. Room: CEB 212. Concurrent Session 253 RP - Healing Epistemic Choque on the Journey to a Mental Health Degree: A Pláticas Study. Room: CEB 231. 11:30 – 11:45 AM PST Break 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM PST Concurrent Session 214 ODC 1 - AAHHE & ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition, First Place Winner The Rhetorical Mediator: Understanding Agency in Indigenous Translation and Interpretation through Indigenous Approaches to UX Research, Nora Rivera, PhD. Degree granting institution: University of Texas, El Paso. Room: CEB 111 Sponsored by 
Concurrent Session 224 RP - Sobreviviendo la Pandemia: Capturing Healing, Hope, and Joy for Undergraduate Latinx/o* Masculinities Mental Health Room: CEB 112 Concurrent Session 234 RP - “It Takes a Degree of Ganas”: Latino Men’s Career Preparation in Texas Community Colleges. Room: CEB 211. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 244 RP - Book Author Plática: Understanding the Latina/o/x Community College to Four-Year College/University Transfer Pipeline. Room: CEB 212. Concurrent Session 254 RP - Nepantla aquí, Nepantla allá: The borderlands of identity from Mexican American women in STEM. Room: CEB 231. 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM PST Boxed Lunch 2:00 – 2:45 PM PST Concurrent Session 216 RP - Querencia and Social Justice in the Borderlands of Higher Education. Room: CEB 111. Concurrent Session 226 RP - Latina/o Legislators, Education Policy, and Policy Ways of Knowing. Room CEB 112. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 236 RP - Transitioning During a Pandemic: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Latina/o/x Students’ Transition to College. Room CEB 211. Concurrent Session 246 IS - Project MALES: Mentoring Men of Color through Culturally Empowering Curriculum and Restorative Practices Post COVID-19. Room: CEB 212. Featured Session 256 FS - Merging Testimonio with Praxis: Latina Leaders Transitioning to Faculty Positions, Mayra Olivares-Urueta, PhD, Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Program Coordinator, M.Ed. Higher Education Leadership, College of Education, Texas Christian University. Room: CEB 231. 2:45 – 3:00 PM PST Break 3:00 – 3:45 PM PST Concurrent Session 217 RP - Criminal and disciplinary history questions in college admissions: A mixed-methods analysis of Hispanic Serving Institutions. Room: CEB 111. Sponsored by  Concurrent Session 227 RP - Reflections from a Faculty Mentor and Graduate Student Mentee: Two Latinas Decolonizing the Mentoring Relationship. Room: CEB 112. Round Table Transforming Policy, Leadership, and Institutions through Querencia and Justicia. Room: CEB 211. 237 RT - Enseñamos en el Valle Central: Paving Pathways to Success for Latinx Communities - CANCELED 237 RT - The Compromiso of Faculty of Color to Support Students of Mexican Descent 237 RT - (Re)framing Higher Education Querencia through a Critical Race-/Trauma-Informed Latina/o/x Composite Counterstory - CANCELED Round Table Forging Community Partnerships con Cariño for Equity in PreK-16 institutions. Room: CEB 212. 247 RT - “Échale ganas, tú puedes”: Latinx/a/o Parents Supporting Students’ College Aspirations Amidst Trumpism and COVID-19 247 RT - Impacting Latina/o/x Community College Undergraduate Scholar Identities Through Mentorship/Femtorship Relationship 247 RT - College Beyond High School: Examining Experiences of Latina Alumnae of an Early College High School Round Table Fostering Querencia by Centering Intersectional Identities and Experiences of Latinx/o/a Students. Room: CEB 231. 257 RT - Mis Papas No Entienden: Influence of Parental Encouragement on Educational Experiences of First-Generation Latina Undergraduates 257 RT - Querencia: The impact of place for undergraduate Mexican men and a Latinx/a/o cultural center 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM PST Closing Program
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