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AAHHE/Excelencia Webinar: Fast Facts of Latinos in Higher Education
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Events

AAHHE/Excelencia in Education Webinar

Fast Facts of Latinos in Higher Education
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 2:00-3:00pm ET
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Excelencia in Education accelerates Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policy, and advancing institutional practices while collaborating with those committed and ready to meet our mission. Launched in 2004 in the nation’s capital, Excelencia is building a network of results-oriented educators and policymakers to address the U.S. economy’s need for a highly educated workforce and engaged civic leadership.


Cassandra Arroyo
Research Analyst
Excelencia in Education

Emily Labandera
Director of Research
Excelencia in Education

David A. Fuentes
Associate Dean
College of Education
William Paterson University

Cristóbal Rodríguez, PhD
Chair-elect, AAHHE Board of Directors
Associate Provost for Equity-Centered Initiatives in Academic Affairs
Western Michigan University

Azara Santiago Rivera, PhD
Chair, AAHHE Board of Directors
Professor Emerita
Merrimack College

Contact: Kayla Reed, AAHHE Program Manager, [email protected]